Business Spotlight- Success Bank

Garrett Bancshares | Owner

109 N Madison Street Bloomfield, Iowa 52537

641-664-2265 /

Tell us a little bit of history about your business:

Success Bank, formerly Davis County Savings Bank (DCSB), was founded in January of 1900 on the principle of helping families, farmers and businesses of Davis County reach their financial goals – a practice that still guides us today.

Original directors were President Charlie Young, Vice President Thomas J. Hill, Cashier George W. Phillips, Edward Beauchamp, Dillion Payne, George T. Sowers, Ben A. Leyda and Elmer G. Dickson.

The bank was first located on the west side of the square. In May of 1960, it moved to its current location at 109 North Madison Street.

John M. Garrett purchased controlling interest in the bank in December of 1957. Today, his daughter and grandson remain committed to area families as owners and decision makers of Garrett Bancshares, Success Bank’s holding company.

Favorite thing about having a business in our community:

Our employees call the community we serve home. They have a deep interest in bettering the community both professionally in their work at the bank and through all of their volunteer work outside in the community. We love being able to work together to help our friends, neighbors and community members achieve financial success. After all, when Davis County succeeds, Success Bank succeeds.

What is one thing people may not know about you or your business:

Success Bank has been owned by the Garrett Family since John Garrett purchased controlling interest in 1957. His grandson, Neal Logan is still actively involved as Chairman of the Board of Directors.