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Snap a photo of Bloomfield’s nationally acclaimed courthouse, savor a meal at a variety of family restaurants, find yourself on the square surrounded by creations of local artists and explore the antiques of the Hairy Nation. Rediscover life in and community in a cutting-edge small town.
Bloomfield is located in Davis County, Iowa – in the hills of Southeastern Iowa. A place where neighbors and friends still gather for morning coffee. Considered one of Iowa’s safest cities, Bloomfield is an ideal location for families, retirees, and entrepreneurs that want a relaxed, friendly, and connected community.

Amish Businesses
Citizens Mutual
City of Bloomfield
Davis County Community School District
Davis County Development Corporation
Davis County Fair
Davis County Government
Davis County Historical Museum
Davis County Hospital & Clinics
Historic Hills Scenic ByWay
Southern Iowa Electric Coop
Welcome Center & Tourism